
Who she is becoming

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Our baby is six months old. We cannot believe where the time has gone and how she has grown. Six months is a bit of a milestone and it's caused me to reflect a lot.
I'm ready for her to grow; little is too little.

For the last couple of months, people keep telling me how small she is. They say, "I forget how tiny they are. She's so little. Look at her mini feet."

When I look at her, all I can see is how big she is and how she has grown.
I can see who she is becoming.
Who she was is a vague memory because who she is now is so different; she's so big, she can do so much, she's come so far. She's turning into a little girl. I can imagine her future.

I wonder if this is what it's like with God and us.

People look at us, or we look at ourselves, and all we can see is our limitations, our insignificance, our smallness. We see what we cannot do.

When God looks at us, I think he can see who we are becoming. He can see how far we've come and where we're heading. He can see how we've changed and what we can do through him.

I find myself getting defensive – I realise, unnecessarily –
but I wonder if God does the same – but with good reason.

He's protective of his children and doesn't want us to be seen for how small they are or what they cannot do.

I want to see people through God's eyes.

I don't want to see how small they are.
I want to see who they really are; see their potential, forget their past and look forward to who they are becoming.

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