
The end is not the end

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

This is the last of seven blog posts that re-imagine Psalm 73 as journal entries.
If you want the whole story in one go, download the "book" or listen to the sermon.
This is Asaph's story. This is our story.

M A R C H   4  / /  Psalm 73:27-28
My generation isn’t really into seeing the world as black and white;
they’re not keen on holding on to truths or trusting in absolutes.
And I get that.

The world is changing faster than ever before.
There are more ideas and more platforms to share them.

Our politicians are better gymnasts than they are leaders.
Our celebrities, better at partying than role modelling.

Our media is losing integrity.
Our institutions are losing relevance.

We have more options but more uncertainties.
More relationships but more divisions.

… There has to be an end to all this.
It’s not going to be nice or pretty.

Those who don’t want God, will spend eternity without him.
But as for me, I wanna be near him.

A certain hope brings purpose.
A coming event brings closure.
An imminent return brings life.
An intimate nearness brings peace.

As the Psalmist writes:

”Those who are far from you will perish;
you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.”

The end of division is the beginning of connection.
The end of uncertainty is the beginning of peace.
The end of death is the beginning of life.

Psalm 73 reminds us that there will be an end but it will also be a beginning.
And in the meantime, we wait in expectation.

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