
Looking humble

Monday, March 12, 2018
There’s a kind of false modesty that is really common but rarely works… in fact, it never works False modesty is just another form of pride, it simply draws more attention to ourselves. In trying to deflect compliments or praise, we talk ourselves down. “Oh I did nothing” “No, don’t say that” “It wasn’t me, it was all you” And I know what...


Measuring your worth

Friday, March 02, 2018
How do you measure your worth? Assets. Influence. Skills. Possessions. We tend to value people based on what they have. And so collecting, accumulating and competing are the norm. But there's an alternative, a voice that declares, "life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” [Luke 12:15] Jesus has a different economy: Give up everything... follow me. Not to pursue poverty, prudence...


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