Identity hang-ups

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Most TV shows have a series of repeated themes or recurring storylines. Maybe it's lazy writing, or maybe it's what life is really like - despite all our differences, there are:
common questions we ask,
common mistakes we make,
common problems we face.
common paths we take.

One of those recurring stories is a question of identity,
which is really a question of purpose -
Who am I?
What am I here for?

It's the question that plagues two famous Dereks - Shepherd and Zoolander.

One is a really, really, really ridiculously good-looking brain surgeon,
the other, a really, really, really ridiculously good-looking male model.
When they lose their purpose, they lose their identity, they lose it all.

How often do we struggle to know who we are and what we're here for?

We try and hang our identity on things, on roles, on actions, on feelings, on people.

I am a home owner.
I am a pastor.
I am creative.
I am optimistic.
I am a husband.

What is it for you?

Whatever we put in those categories, those things can change... disappear.
But I don't need to play that game of hang-ups.
You don't need to play that game.

Who I am, depends on whose I am.

Peter knew it.
"Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ." [2 Peter 1:1]

We don't find our identity, it is given.
We don't create our identity, it is received.

So don't settle for just hanging around...
who you are,
                     where you're going, and
                                                             what you're here to do.

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