Abundant and infinite generosity

Thursday, July 28, 2016

I want to be a generous person. I presume you do too.
Generosity is an incredible trait – being able to hold things not too tightly, to be open-handed, to give as we have been freely given to – yet why do so many of us struggle with it?
I am happy to be generous, in fact I love being generous,
and I want my life and my home to be a welcoming and generous place. 

Since moving to Melbourne from Sydney, we have had many people stay in our home.
It's interesting to watch how different people interact with our home:
some bring gifts and act like guests, willing to be served;
some stay but want to stay out of our way, not wanting to cause any trouble;
some make themselves at home, coming and going, using our things and theirs.

Different people travel in different ways.
Different people relate to others in different ways.
Different people understand and interact with generosity in different ways.

But it stirs me when I am being generous, and it's met with neither thankfulness or generosity.

It shouldn't be this way, but it really gets me.

Accept my generosity; and be thankful.
Don't accept my generosity; and be self-sufficient.
Accept my generosity while storing up goods for yourself; I don't need you.

But once again, with everything, I'm reminded of Jesus.

Abundant generosity, met with a shopping list of needs; picking and choosing. 
Infinite generosity, met with a 'when I feel like it' attitude; I can do most things on my own.

When will we learn? 
When will we stop and be thankful? 
When will we start being generous; no matter the cost, no matter the response, no matter what. 

Eugene Peterson interprets Jesus' words so simply:

Don't hoard treasure where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or – even worse! – stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it's safe from moth and rust and burglars. It's obvious, isn't it? [Matthew 6:19-20]

When will we freely give? When we start freely receiving. (Matthew 10:8)

It's obvious, isn't it!? Stop living for yourself. Rely on him. And be generous in return.

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