
Take me deeper

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Are you in the middle of a hard situation,
wondering if God is still there,
if you heard him right the first time,
if this is where you're really meant to be?

There are these two great quotes that talk about faith...

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. 
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faith is the bird that knows dawn and sings while it is still dark.

I love these quotes because they inspire you to step out in faith, to look at the unknown or a scary situation and face it, but they're missing something.


What about when you're there. You've taken the step, you've walked in the dark, and it's just turned to a different shade of dark, and now there are not only steps ahead of you but behind you as well.

Maybe faith is more about who you are in the middle, than what happens at the beginning or the end.

Are you wondering why,
Are you wondering if you're in the right place,
Are you wondering if that was God you were following in the first place...

Well I think where you are requires more faith.
Faith to stick it out.
Faith to be.
Faith to continually be faithful.
I think it's beautiful.

Hillsong wrote a song that we sing at church:

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever you would call me
Take me deeper than my feet would ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Saviour

Have you ever asked God to take you deeper than your feet would ever wander?

Are you there?

I am.

I bet our faiths are being made stronger.

Let's keep pushing in to God.
Let's run to him.
Let's keep letting him lead you.
Let's keep listening to his call.

It probably hurts.

But it's the best place for you. And I think it's beautiful.

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