
Make a splash

Thursday, February 25, 2016
Sunday was our first church service at our new church. We already felt a part of the community and were already involved in the life of the church, but it was really special to actually go to the services, worship together, meet other people, and hear from God's Word. Being in ministry, especially starting somewhere new, causes you to question lots of things...


Goodbye to things

Saturday, February 20, 2016
Last week we packed up all our things. We farewelled our beloved home, our beloved friends, our beloved family. We said goodbye.  All of our worldly possessions were in a truck, and those few things that we needed (or were too difficult or explosive to pack in a truck) were in our car. We left Sydney with our car and left for Melbourne....


Of greatest importance

Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Every now and then I have a day that feels really productive, a day when I know I got a lot of things done, a day when I ticked many boxes on the to do list. It feels good. [✓] Check social media [✓] Analyse overnight sport results [✓] Consume breakfast [✓] Review electronic mail [✓] Respond to short message service communications [✓]...


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