
Crowding around

Friday, March 22, 2019

When people really want something…
they’ll form a queue.
It may not always be orderly or neat, but people line up for the boxing day sales,
they queue outside Aldi before the weekly “Special Buys” go on sale,
there’s even the few faithful still crowding around apple stores when a new iPhone is released.
Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash
We’ll go out of our way for the things we value. We’ll seek them out,
wait for them,
push through the crowd.

When was the last time you did that to be close to Jesus?

In Luke’s gospel we read about people “crowding around Jesus and listening to the word of God.” [Luke 5:1]
They wanted to hear him.
They had the hunger, the desire, the passion.

It’s easy to get comfortable, to think you’re fine just as you are.
It’s easy to get complacent, to think what you’ve done in the past is enough.

If you’ve never sought Jesus,
if it’s been a while,
then now is the time to press in,
crowd round.

You'll find what you're looking for.

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