
More questions than answers

Friday, April 29, 2016
Sometimes life throws up more questions than answers.    But often we would prefer that feeling of closure,    that sense of control,    when we know all the answers. Life isn't like that though, life has ambiguity, discovery, mystery. Photo // David James Photography @davidjames__photography We're not supposed to understand everything, but we should understand why we're here. We're not supposed to know...


I don't read my Bible enough

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
One thing that gives me life is reading God's Word and journalling. But I don't do it enough. There I said it. I don't read my Bible enough. I'm not good at being a read-your-Bible-everyday kind of Christian. There's too much pressure for me, there's too much guilt for me, and there ends up being too much reading and not enough understanding, not...


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