All I need
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
This is the sixth of seven blog posts that re-imagine Psalm 73 as journal entries.
If you want the whole story in one go, download the "book" or listen to the sermon.
This is Asaph's story. This is our story.
If you want the whole story in one go, download the "book" or listen to the sermon.
This is Asaph's story. This is our story.
M A R C H 3 / / Psalm 73:23-26
I’m glad you don’t leave us when we turn on you.
You are always with us.
Your hands are steady and firm,
yet also flexible and gentle.
Your hand guides me, leads me, comforts and supports me.
You have great plans for us.
Evil will end in destruction.
Yet somehow… my end will be glory.
You are protection, wisdom, strength, provision.
Even when my flesh fails
and my heart hurts,
when the body breaks
and the soul searches.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
Your presence is all I need.
When everything within you is falling apart, there is a presence that can offer clarity, security, freedom, and purpose.
God is a more guiding presence than any other guide, a steady hand who offers clarity;
a more protective presence than any other protector, a firm hand who offers security;
a more giving presence than any other giver, a flexible hand who offers freedom;
a more motivating presence than any other motivator, a gentle hand who offers purpose.
If you search for him, you'll find him.
You'll find he is more...
you'll find he is all.