More glue than rubber
Friday, March 10, 2017
This is the second of seven blog posts that re-imagine Psalm 73 as journal entries.
If you want the whole story in one go, download the "book" or listen to the sermon.
This is Asaph's story. This is our story.
If you want the whole story in one go, download the "book" or listen to the sermon.
This is Asaph's story. This is our story.
J A N U A R Y 2 8 / / Psalm 73:4-12
Looking back at primary school it was a simpler time… it was easy to shut someone down when they insulted you:
"I am rubber, you are glue. Anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you!"
Or “You’re an idiot.”
“Oh yeah, well you’re an idiot times infinity.”
Or you could deflect their comments by replacing any insult with ‘your mum’ or ‘your face’:
“this TV show is boring.”
“Your face is boring.”
Somehow these playground comebacks worked.
But that hasn’t continued as I’ve got older.
It seems I’m more glue than rubber these days… words stick.
It seems like everyone else is getting their act together, and I’m still struggling along. They’re strutting around like pride is some sort of jewel hanging around their neck.
There seems no end to evil in our world – poverty, slavery, violence.
Watch the news for more than 5 minutes and, other than the cute dog rescued from up a tree, it’s just story after story of greed, corruption and exploitation – and they’re getting away with it.
It feels like God has taken a step back, left us to fight it out amongst ourselves.
And the bad guys are winning.
I get hounded with questions from my friends:
If God is good, why is there evil in the world?
Can God make a burrito so hot that even he couldn’t eat it?
Where is your God now?
Can he do anything?
I’m left wondering… can he?
Surely God is still good, isn’t he?
You can call the younger generation "snowflakes" or say they're easily offended.
You can make fun of safe spaces and call campaigns for equality "political correctness gone mad."
You can say whatever you want because it's a free country and you're entitled to your opinion.
But you've got to realise that words aren't neutral and no matter what facade we put up, I reckon most of us are more glue than rubber.