
Loving your city

Sunday, November 25, 2018
Do you love your city? Recently Melbourne lost the title of “world’s most liveable city.” After 7 years at the top, it fell… to second place. But for a city that ranks so highly, we find it easy to pick its faults (transport, cost of living, safety, etc.). It’s loud and busy and… that’s why I think God loves it. Our city is...


Aiming high

Wednesday, November 21, 2018
When I was a teenager, I thought it was funny to say, “aim low, you’ll never be disappointed.” I thought it was kind of clever. Depressing, discouraging and devoid of hope… but clever. I was more interested in being clever than being courageous. We might not openly and intentionally think this way, but subconsciously, I wonder whether we’ve settled for aiming low. We’ve...


Take me deeper

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Are you in the middle of a hard situation, wondering if God is still there, if you heard him right the first time, if this is where you're really meant to be? There are these two great quotes that talk about faith... Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.  Martin Luther King, Jr. Faith is the...


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