Something new
Wednesday, February 01, 2017It's a new year. Yes, I realise it's February, but it's still a new year.
We often think of what we've missed, how we've let ourselves (or others) down, how our plans haven't worked out... but it's not too late.
It's still a new year.
In fact, the amazing thing is it's a new month.
And even better, it's a new day.
That's the beautiful thing about life, there's always another chance.
That's the beautiful thing about God, he's always offering you something new.
We can leave the old behind and look forward to the new.
"Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new."
Isaiah 43:18-19
2016 didn't pan out as I imagined.
In moving to a new state, I expected to do much adventuring and was excited to get to know where we were living. I was going to see all the things and do all the stuff, eat all the food and drive all the places. But 2016 was actually about surviving.
Of all the stressful things that can happen in your life, many of them were happening in 2016.
I guess I'm disappointed, embarrassed, upset and feel like I've wasted time and opportunities.
But this is what I'm told:
Forget about what's happened.
God is about to do something brand new.
Is that not super exciting!?
There's so much expectation, so much anticipation...
So be alert and be present – what is God going to do in you?
Each year I try to ask God for a word for my (and our) year.
This year I feel like it's E X P L O R E.
To search for; search out.
But so much more.
As a mum. As a wife. As a friend. As a daughter.
I want to search for and search out as I explore.
I'm going to be alert and present.
He's doing something new.
What does God have to say to you? What new thing does he have for you?
For this year;
This month;
Or just for today?