
Build on what matters

Thursday, January 28, 2016

I'm not much of a builder, but I've built enough sandcastles to know that foundations matter. If you build with sand on a foundation of sand, you're asking for trouble. The location can be important, but there's much more to it than that.

In the immortal words of Darryl Kerrigan (and many before him), "a man's home is his castle." And what The Castle reminds us is that a house is more valuable than it's location.

So it's not where you build that ultimately matters, but how you build. 

A house with solid foundations survives whatever is thrown at it;
whether howling wind,
or raging water.

No matter what you are building -
a relationship, marriage or family;
a ministry, career or education;
a life of faith, purpose or meaning -
the question is: what foundation are you building on?

That's the point of Jesus' question in Luke 6:
"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" [Luke 6:46]
How can you say you're following me, when you aren't listening to me?
What are you building on - do you even have a foundation?

If you build a relationship on your expectations and needs,
you're actually building without a foundation at all.
If you build a ministry on free coffee and fancy logos,
you're actually building without a foundation at all.
If you build your faith on good morals and regular church attendance,
Jesus isn't impressed, you're building with sand on sand.

Winds may howl and waters may rage, but the way you lay your foundations determines whether the life that you're building will stand. It also sets the course for the way you'll continue to build.

What you build it on,
you will have to maintain it on.
Build it on what matters.

You are immensely capable, you are talented and full of potential, you have the opportunity to do just about anything, in any place. So the question is not where to build your house, but how. You need to decide what matters. You need to take a stand on what really counts.

For some this is a reminder,
                             an encouragement to keep on pursuing what matters,
                                                                to keep on pushing out into the unexpected.
For others this is a challenge,
                               an invitation to start or restart planning your foundation,
                                                      to start or restart pushing out into the unexplored.

For me, I know enough about Jesus that I think he's all that matters. But if I'm going to take the challenging words of Luke 6 seriously, then it's more than just acknowledging him - it's a life of obedient trust, expectant hope and everyday sacrifice.
I've done enough thinking, studying and talking,
it's time for listening, trusting and walking.

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