
What I want most

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I love Christmas. And I'll admit it, I really love presents. Like, really! I get so excited when someone gives me a present, I just want to know what it is. I have a list that I collate throughout the year and send it to people at Christmas and my birthday. Maybe I'll get something from it, or maybe I'll get a surprise. I can't decide which would be better!

But at Christmas I was really contemplating presence over presents. 

Yes, I still love presents, but they do not matter.

As I spent 7 days with all 17 members of my family after Christmas, I tried to focus on being with them rather than getting anything from them. Our holiday was sometimes stressful and tiring and chaotic, but what could be better than spending 7 days with the 17 people I love the most?

As I started the new year, I thought about what presence over presents looks like with God. We're always wanting so much from God (and he has so much to give) but what if we focused on just having him, instead of what he has to give?

What if our focus was less on our circumstances or needs or momentary desires, and became on him.

On his presence, on who he is, on what he has to offer us regardless of our desires.

What if all of our prayers began with "hallowed be your name" in whatever way on whatever day, that is all that we could say!?

I think Bob Goff may have been reflecting on this over Christmas too. He wrote on his Instagram page (follow him, like, actually!):

I want to make more room for Jesus. 

Everyday. In my life. In my heart. I have time, I get to choose how to use it. But make room for his presence, not his presents. The presents will definitely come when you're in his presence, but seek his presence, there's nothing better.

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  1. Good one! I agree with that attitude to Christmas celebrations, presence is much more important (but I'm not a presents person).
    When you first said "what presence over presents looks like with God" I thought about not trying to simply do things for God/win him over/tick boxes but just making sure you spend time with God in that relationship. It definitely works both ways - pleasing God and wanting Him to please us!

    1. Hi "Unknown" (so much mystery)... Thanks so much for reading the blog and for your comment. It's great to hear your thoughts on what we write. I think being with people is always better than what they can give us (or it should be!). And with God, he is already pleased with us; we need to learn to just be pleased WITH him.

  2. "Everyday. In my life. In my heart. I have time, I get to choose how to use it." 👌🏻❤️
    Great reminder!
    Oh and the BG quote 👍🏻

    1. How great is Bob?! Always has so much gold. And yes, we always forget that we can do what we want with our time! It's up to us and really shows what we value!


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