
Out into the deep

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A kiddie pool can be a fun place to be:
You can soak in the cool water
         and soak up the blazing sun;
floating around while time... floats... by...

It's fun for a while, it's got the novelty factor but at some point you want to go out and explore the ocean - wide open space, the mysterious unknown - out into the deep.

For too much of my life, I have lived out my faith in the kiddie pool.
Not risking too much.
Not being too bold.
Not trying too many things.
But Jesus calls us out into the deep.

In Luke 5, we're told that Jesus is teaching the crowds and then,
"When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,.."
Jesus hadn't finished teaching,
he’d finished speaking to the crowds
and now he has a message for Simon and a message for us:

"Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."

There's safety in the kiddie pool - it's familiar, it's comfortable.
But the purpose of life is not to be familiar and comfortable - Jesus calls us out into the deep.
There's life in the ocean - it's mysterious, it's bold.

I'd rather go out and live in mystery, than wait in safety.

So how did the disciples respond?
They didn’t understand everything, they hadn’t worked it all out, but they knew enough that they were ready to go out into the deep, they "left everything and followed him."

You can’t go out half-hearted.
You can’t row a boat with one oar, you’ll just go around in circles.
No, you’ve gotta press in,
with everything, and commit.

I know I have tried and I've been tired.
I know I am scared and scarred.
But I know I'm called out into the deep.
I know he is present and persistent,
I know he gives and forgives.
And I know he is calling me out into the deep.

It's a bold move, but are you read to follow him out there, out into the deep?

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  1. Love this post, love you guys, cheering and praying you on!

  2. Good on you both for stepping out in faith. Am sure that God goes before you and that there will be another set of footprints as you continue to step out. Your post reminds me of when I first learnt to swim, if you can swim in the shallow, you can swing in the deep.

    1. Thanks David.
      Yeah I love that, such a good analogy!


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