
Like a child

Friday, January 29, 2016

Moving sucks. I'm exhausted! Our to do list is so long and all of the things are so big and overwhelming... so grown up! There are so many decisions to make: which removalist to use and do you choose on price or quality; what to do with your custom NSW number plates when you live interstate; how to become a landlord and privately lease your unit and how much should the rent should be; what furniture do you need in a house you haven't seen?! I could continue...

So many times I've just wanted to run away and hide. 
(Or procrastinate by writing a blog post.) But I know that gets me nowhere.
So instead I just decided I don't want to be a grown up anymore. Being an adult is hard!

As a teenager, my mum told me not to want to do things older people were doing, and to just enjoy being a child.
You're not a child for long, but you are an adult for a long time.
She was encouraging me to embrace my childhood, not desire – and try and get to – the next season; it will come.

I think she secretly knew that growing up is a trap.

I'm half joking, but I'm not.

We get trapped pretending we have it all together; making decisions based only on money; thinking independence and self-sufficiency are things to strive for. Why do we live like that?

Jesus told his disciples, "Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." [Matthew 18:3]

He's not saying to renounce all responsibility (as I'm wanting to); it's about trust.

I could tell you the analogy of a father throwing his child in the air and the child has no fear because they trust their daddy, or the analogy of ...

But in a way, that's hard to relate to. They're when it's fun and you're laughing and ...

I'm talking about trusting God and his plan and his purposes when stuff really sucks: when relationships are hard; when you don't have a job; when your health is failing; when you move away; when people die; when what your heart desires just isn't happening.

I'm talking about trusting God when it's really hard. And really scary. And really painful. But trusting him anyway.

Trust like a child.

I never want to become so grown up that I forget whose child I am and stop being dependant upon him.

Come to Jesus.
He is trustworthy. He is waiting for you. He will give you all you need.

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