I like the Christmas Jesus best

Friday, December 22, 2017

It's easy to think of hallmark cards and nativity sets
a stylised caricature,
a cuddly cartoon;
a domesticated Jesus.

For many, that's the only Jesus they know
or the only Jesus they like.

What Jesus do you know?
What Jesus do you like?

In the movie "Talladega Nights," Will Ferrell delivers one of the greatest graces of all time:

So tiny... yet still omnipotent.
Jokes aside, I think he's actually getting somewhere.

Sure, his Jesus is stuck in perpetual baby-hood.
But his Jesus is no less God.

I'm with Will, I like the Christmas Jesus best!

Because the Christmas Jesus was fully God, fully man.
The Christmas Jesus humbled himself to enter our world.
The Christmas Jesus is God with us.
The Christmas Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
The Christmas Jesus came to bring peace and righteousness.
The Christmas Jesus...
well the Christmas Jesus is the same Jesus as every other day.

The reality is that we don't choose our favourite Jesus,
the beauty is that Jesus chooses us.

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